- Meeting was called to order by Director Steve Walker at 2:00pm.
- Chaplain Kenny Fitzgerald led us in prayer
- Director Walker Led the pledge to the flag
- Motion made by Rob Phelps to set aside regular meeting to make presentation, second by Phil Shepard. Motion Carried. Director Walker presented Isley Saunders who is the mother of sailor killed at the USS Cole, a RUBBING Director Walker did on a memorial while on Legacy Ride and a scraping of his name was made. This was given to Ms. Saunders. Regular meeting resumed
- Adjutant/Treasurer Kenny Fitzgerald read the minutes of the last meeting and the Treasurer’s report and they were approved as read.
Road Captain
upcoming events are listed below:
- NC In State Legacy Run April 27-30 Details forthcoming
- VA In State Legacy Run will be held on Eastern Shore on June 23-24
- National Legacy Ride will be held in August and details will be forthcoming. The ride this year will end in Charlotte, but no starting point has been announced yet.
- Sometimes in May, Devils backbone ride. Details to follow.
- August 19th Dean Ferris ride
- February 25th, Beer Garden, and event at Thunder Road. We get proceeds.
Other Reports
Sick Call
Ken Powell, Butch and Trish Francis, Bill and Pat Sterner, Rob’s dad ( Bob)
Old or Unfinished Business
- Rob discussed the t-shirts and styles and gave out a list for all to sign on how many, what kind, short sleeve or long sleeve with sizes so we would have an idea how many to order. (If you did not attend meeting, please send Rob your information of you would be interested in shirts.)
New Business
- The upcoming Beer Garden was discussed, and these are the plans. Thunder Road Harley is going to hold and event each month starting in February 25th. They will have a band, food, drawings, and beer. We were asked if we would sponsor the event and the only thing, we needed to do was handle the license and sell the beer as Thunder Road cannot do that part. An application was done and sent in by Kenny Fitzgerald at a cost of $85. We will try to do this each month as a fund raiser for our chapter. Motion made by Kenny Fitzgerald to sponsor these events. The motion was amended by Rob Phelps, second by Lee Cox to handle these as long as we had no issues arise that are unforeseen. Motion Carried.
- Don Mitchell spoke on safety concerns and stated the roads are in terrible shape with cracks and potholes so be careful.
- Another issue that causes accidents is if you plan to exit a highway and commit to it, then exit and don’t change mind at last minute.
Good of the Riders
Lee Cox asked if we could start using a microphone at our meetings since it was hard to hear everything.
Rob Phelps knows of two bikes for sale and if anyone interested let him know.
- Kenny Fitzgerald led the closing prayer
- Meeting Adjourned.