
American Legion Memorial Post 325


Squadron 325 Officers


                                                         Commander                         Randall Fowlks

                                                         1st Vice Commander            Jimmy Powell

                                                         2nd Vice Commander           Kenneth Shively

                                                         Finance Officer                     Lynn Powell

                                                         Sgt At Arms                          Courtland Yates

                                                         Adjutant                                Michael Yates 

                                                         Historian                               Peyton Lawson

                                                         Chaplain                               Michael Yates


Meets every third Monday 7:30 pm. Participates with Legion in their Steak Supper ($12.00). Cooking begins

at 6:00 pm. No Steaks sold after 7:00 pm Come on out and Join the Fellowship and

Attend the meeting at 7:30 pm.