
American Legion Memorial Post 325






General: At times bar and game room is open, there shall be a manager in charge, who shall be the Bar Manager (The Bar Manager has the authority to appoint a post member to fulfill their duties in their absence). It shall be their duty to operate the bar/gameroom in accordance with rule listed below. Any difference arising between members shall be referred to the manager in charge, who shall act as an impartial referee to settle the dispute. THE DECISION OF THE MANAGER SHALL BE RESPECTED IN ANY AND ALL CASES, but any party may appeal the decision to the House Committee. The decision of the House Committee shall be final, except when a members social privileges are suspended by the House Committee, they may appeal to the Executice Committee.


  1. In addition to regular and special meetings, the bar/game room will be open to members Wednesday and Friday nights and other times on      special occasions.

  2. The Bar Manager will be required to open the bar/game room at 6:30 pm on Wednesday and Friday nights and if no one has shown up by 9:15 pm, they can close. Bar/Game Room closing according to Virginia ABC Regulations and bar/game room managers discretion.

  3. No food or beverages shall be sold during post regular monthly meeting.

  4. Virginia Alcohol Board regulations shall be kept on file and are considered part of bar/game room rules and are to be strictly adhered to.

  5. Bar and Game Room not to be rented.

  6. Bar and Game Room TO BE ENJOYED BY ALL POST 325 MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING, visiting Legionnaires and invited guest. (members include SAL and Auxiliary Members)

  7. All bar prices to be set by Bar Committee.